Saturday, July 21, 2012

Welcome to the future, we are here. We have peered millions of years back into space and time, built sky-scrapers taller than anyone would have ever imagined just decades ago, established privately-owned space programs, that will very soon ferry common folk like you and me into outer space, and of course, mapped the human genome. One thing we can all agree with is that mankind's ethical and moral gauge has not kept pace with our scientific and technological pace, not by a long shot. In America, there is a sense that we are all born with freedoms that extend to everything we do on every level. The truth is; that in a free society, for many to be free, there is a certain under-class that can NEVER be free. 

As the gleaming towers of Dubai that stand high glimmering in the Saudi sun like the fabled Emerald City of Oz, to our own Disney World, there is a work-force beneath the surface no one ever sees. Underlying all marvelous free societies, there is such a work-force, who will never be able to afford freedom. Human trafficking abroad has also come home to America, if it ever left. But where has this quest for freedom brought us? In our human selfishness, our creature-comforts matter most of all. Let's do away with death, yes, let's clone Grandma. After all, a few years ago, several families with hundreds of thousands of dollars to spare, even cloned Fido. That's right; no longer do we have to mourn the family dog. No, we can just ante up the money and clone poor dearly departed Fido. Yes, we, who used to be adults, who used to explain to our five-year-olds on the morning they found the family goldfish belly-up in the bowl, that death, is a part of life. That all the things we hold dear in life will one day pass away from us. 

Our creators knew this when we were made finite. A thing that can pass away, is more valuable while one has it. If we better understood this principle in life, maybe we would treat each other better. Brothers and sisters would take the time to stay in closer touch with one another while they lived. When we look at life selfishly, by making it easier to replace with a copy we cheapen it. We are at a very precarious point in our modern human existence. We are actually at a point where we can actively affect not just our current environment, but the environment of the future. Now, with IA replicating our loved ones, what happens to the totality of our human experience?

The responsibility is up to us who live now, to charter the direction our progeny will go in the future. Just because we have the scientific and technological ability to do a thing, doesn't always mean we should.